Insomnia is a common sleep disorder in adults that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep for adequate hours even though the environment is good and the time is right. People with insomnia often feel dissatisfied with their sleep and inadequate sleep hours. It may affect many people and in most cases ends without treatment. Many people think that insomnia is normal with the stresses of life, but it is important to take it seriously because it is closely related to physical health.
Transient insomnia: It is sleep disorders which last for a short period.
Chronic Insomnia: It is disrupted sleep that occurs at least three nights per week and lasts at least three months.
Insomnia can be a symptom of another problem, the causes of chronic insomnia include:
Non-Medical Treatment: There are psychological and behavioral techniques that can be helpful for treating insomnia such as:
Relaxing training: (Breathing exercises, mindfulness, meditation techniques, and guided imagery and listening to audio recordings), they can work to help you fall asleep and also return to sleep in the middle of the night.
Stimulus Control: It helps to build an association between the bedroom and sleep by limiting the type of activities allowed in the bedroom, they include: Arranging the bed room, using comfortable bed, limiting time in bed and getting out of bed if you’ve been awake for 20 minutes or more.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): Includes behavioral changes (such as keeping a regular bedtime and wake up time, and eliminating afternoon naps) but it adds a cognitive or “thinking” component. CBT works to challenge unhealthy beliefs and fears around sleep and teach rational, positive thinking.
Medical Treatments: There are many different types of sleep aids for insomnia, and it is important to consult with a doctor before taking a sleep aid, and in the event other methods are unsuccessful.
Q: What is sleep log?
A: A sleep log is a simple diary that keeps track of details about your sleep. It can help your doctor figure out what might be causing insomnia.
Q: Do sedatives and hypnotics have effects in the long run?
A: The main problem is the increased dependence on them especially common stress drugs and associated mental disorders.
The cause is unknown, but it could be one of the following:
Compulsive sleep affects males and females, and these symptoms usually appear in childhood or teenage years because of a combination of genetic, autoimmune, and environmental factors.
Not all infected people experience the same symptoms. Symptoms may begin to appear suddenly for some or within years or weeks. It is usually a chronic disease, although some symptoms may improve with age. These symptoms include:
About experiencing one of the symptoms of narcolepsy and feeling weak or depressed.
Excessive sleepiness due to narcolepsy may lead to one of the following:
Because the underlying cause of the disease is not known, the diagnosis is made by observing the symptoms and conducting tests to help managing other conditions that may cause excessive sleepiness, and one of the tests requires staying awake and observing the patient during sleep.
There is no cure for the disease, but treatment can help control symptoms:
Narcolepsy cannot be prevented, but treatment may reduce the number of episodes. Situations that trigger this condition can also be avoided if you are prone to having narcolepsy.